Andrew B Cudd

I am a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Colorado Boulder studying neutrino physics on the T2K experiment and the DUNE experiment. My research is focused on neutrino interactions and cross-section measurements with T2K and DUNE, and working on prototyping and design for the DUNE near detectors, focussing on the ND-LAr 2x2 Demonstrator. The PDF version of my CV can be found at the link above and to the right.
The picture is of me inside the Super-Kamiokande detector while it was drained of water. Super-Kamiokande is a giant 50-kt water Cherenkov experiment located underground inside Mt. Ikeno in Japan that studies neutrino physics and proton decay, and also serves as the far detector for T2K.
Interests: Neutrino Physics, Machine Learning, Detector Hardware, Procedural Generation


Select Publications

See my INSPIRE page for the full list.